
EUNK is a peer-reviewed academic Open Access journal. The journal aims to publish studies on bees, beekeeping, and beekeepers. The journal does not charge for the review or publication of articles. It is published biannually and has been in existence since 2021.


Launch year







Focus and scope

  • Biology of bees

    • This subject covers bee external morphology and internal anatomy, its lifestyle, organization, development and communication.
  • Nutrition and health of bees

    • This subject covers all aspects and problematics that involve nutritional needs and health of bees.
    • Investigations that tackle the incorporation and transformation of food in bees to achieve their vital functions, keeping the homeostatic balance.
    • Investigations that evaluate the complete state of well-being of bees and its variations.
  • Production and quality of bee products

    • This subject comprises investigations related to beekeeping products which bees gather and/or elaborate like honey, wax, pollen, propolis, apitoxin, and royal jelly.
    • It also contemplates the publication of research that describes production lines and usage, quality assurance and aggregate value, focusing on the aforementioned products. Products could be related to Apis mellifera and/or any other bee of the genus Apis, with or without sting.
  • Pollination and nectar source

    • This subject comprises research related to pollination ecology, focusing on plant-bee interactions. It also includes  studies whose main focus are plant species  of importance for Apis mellifera.
  • Bees and environment

    • Research related to interactions between bees and different ecosystems, natural and urban, focusing on their importance for society.
  • Economy, politics and culture

    • This subject comprises themes related to the economical, political, social, and cultural aspects inherent to beekeepers, beekeeping, and bees. Characterization of economic agents and types of coordination in the beekeeping complex. Production, comercialization and consumption of the products of the beehives. Economic-territorial dynamics of the productive and comercial activities. Social economy and beekeeping. Production diversity and aggregate value. Profitability of productive and comercial beekeeping projects. Countryside development, family farming, bees and beekeeping. International beekeeping commerce. Supportive institutions and public politics. Beekeeping regulations. History and culture about bees and beekeeping.

Editoral Team

Sergio Ruffinengo


Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente (IIPROSAM), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Leticia A. Fernández


Laboratorio de Estudios Apícolas (LabEA UNS-CIC), Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Bruno Cornachoni

Editorial Assistant

Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

María Emilia Estrada

Section Editor: Economy, politics and culture

Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Francisco Reynaldi

Section Editor: Biology of bees

Centro de Microbiología Básica y Aplicada (CEMIBA) y Cátedra de Micología Médica e Industrial, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. CCT CONICET La Plata, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Natalia Damiani

Section Editor: Nutrition and Health of Bees

Centro de Investigación en Abejas Sociales (CIAS) e Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente-IIPROSAM-(CONICET-UNMDP), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Liliana M. Gallez

Section Editor: Production and Quality of Bees’s Products

Laboratorio de Estudios Apícolas (LabEA UNS-CIC), Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Cristina R. Salgado

Section Editor: Pollination and nectar source

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

Sandra K. Medici

Section Editor: Bees and Environment

Centro de Investigación en Abejas Sociales (CIAS) e Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente (IIPROSAM), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina - Cámara de Apicultores Pampero

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